måndag 26 maj 2008

Christer in US

I didn't think that it would be this hard to be without Christer, I mean he is only going to be away for 2 weeks and I miss him soooooo much, it feels lika hole in me.
I heard that when you are pregnant it is more difficult to handle feelings and temprament, and yes it is. The first days without him I started to cry almost everytime I got an mess or when I thought about him (almost crying now). The moste difficult time is the evening and morning and the weekends, because I am used to have him home, even though we don't meet so much during weeks, I always see him sleeping beside me in the mornings and if I wake up during the night, and he is so cute lying there inocent, dreaming about me :)

The substence: Don't leave me alone!!

To make the days go faster I have almost booked everyone of them :D
Monday (today): I will be home, cleaning and such in the house.
Tuesday: Sleep at mom's place, talk about the wedding
Wednesday: Go-cart with my job and mom's sleeping in the house
Thursday: Mom's sleeping here, fixing the garden together :D
Friday: Christer's sister take her exam, so I will go to Ystad and sleep there
Saturday: Be in mom's summer house, don't know when I am going home, maybe sunday..
Monday: Jenný (toastmadam for the wedding) is coming to my house and we are going to talk wedding and have a cosy evening :D
Tuesday: Nothing planned :(
Wednesday: Probably cleaning and bying food because Christer is coming home the day after :D

All for now.. :D

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