Saturday I went to the theatre together with grandpa and 2 of my cousins, it was a nice performance and I digged the music, it was a nostalgic flashback for mer. Only music from when I was a child, fun fun!
On the evening two of my ex-school mates had a moving in party! It was alot of fun! Me and Christer had to go home quite early though because he had to work today and I had to do the work sample for a job at the company that I had a interview with on wednesday. But at the party there was a lot of funny people from my ex-class and also some new interesting and nice persons.
Today I have been working with this samlpe for a work. And I feel that I am finished right about now, so I feel happy!
I am still soooooooooo tired of my livingroom.. I want to bake some bread and cook (as if I do this in normal :P) *sign*
One more thing... I am sooooo looking forward to friday when I will meet all my friends in Bremen again! tjohooo!!
Over and out..
This is suppose to be my livingroom:

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